List of repos, apart from those linked in publications and project pages.
Note: A lot of links are now placeholders until I do the final cleanups and licensing.
DQN for Atari, Python+Tensorflow
Cool homework assignment for 10-703 Deep Reinforcement Learning and Control, Spring 2017. Checkout videos of our DQN playing Space Invaders and reportsampling_based_planners, C++
RRT, RRT*, RRT-Connect, PRM for a 5 DoF planar arm, as part of a cool homework assignment for 16-782 Planning and Decision-making in Robotics, Fall 2017.uav_waypt_planner_ompl, C++
Simple waypoint planner using OMPL for XYZ, XYZYaw, and DubinsZ state space.sem_seg_tx2_benchmarking, Python
Some benchmarking scripts for various libraries(theano, caffe2, pytorch, lasagne) I wrote to check what works best on TX-2.traj_lib_gen_richter_bry, MATLAB
Partial implementation of Polynomial trajectory planning for aggressive quadrotor flight in dense indoor environments by Charles Richter, Adam Bry, Nicholas Roy in MATLAB.visual_servoing_guidance_ros, C++
Visual servoing of a power line for a DJI M100 with a camera mounted on top. The end goal is complicated, so ask me if you’re wondering why the heck we did this.
Check flashy video of demo, and the not so flashy video as well.lightware_sf40c_ros_driver, C++
A ROS wrapper I wrote for the driver of Lightware SF-40/C laser scanner.Implementation of pulse coupled neural networks, C++
Implementation of Towards automatic power line detection for a UAV surveillance system using pulse coupled neural filter and an improved Hough transformFields Robotics Center, RI’s Cluster
I made these tutorial slides and wrote most of our wiki.wires_class_activation_mapping, Python
Experiments with Class Activation Mapping ( with an unlabeled dataset of images with wires (, Python
Bunch of utility scripts I use to process rosbags. Some are borrowed & modified with creditspy_video_editor, Python
A couple of video editing scripts using opencv and python, coz editing in a cafe while sipping Mocha with a Mac is too mainstreamattention_gan, Python
Hacky implementation of a wild idea that didn’t see light of the day.youbot_leapmotionteleop
A ROS package for teleoperating a youBot(or any other holonomic base which is subscribed to the ‘cmd_vel’ topic. Video