

Wire Detection, Reconstruction, and Avoidance for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Committee: Prof. Sebastian Scherer, Prof. Michael Kaess, Sankalp Arora
PDF, Defense Video, Slides


Multi-view Reconstruction of Wires using a Catenary Model
Ratnesh Madaan, Michael Kaess, Sebastian Scherer. ICRA 2019

DROAN - Disparity-space Representation for Obstacle AvoidaNce : Enabling Wire Mapping & Avoidance
Geetesh Dubey, Ratnesh Madaan, Sebastian Scherer. IROS 2018.
PDF, Video

Wire Detection using Synthetic Data and Dilated Convolutional Networks for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Ratnesh Madaan, Daniel Maturana, Sebastian Scherer. IROS 2017.
Finalist, Best Application Paper
PDF, Project Page,
Code :Pytorch Training Pipeline, ROS Node for running onboard, Synthetic Dataset Generator using POV-Ray, Baselines, Lasagne Training Pipeline


Learning Adaptive Sampling Distributions for Motion Planning by Self-Imitation
Ratnesh Madaan*, Sam Zeng*, Brian Okorn, Sebastian Scherer
Machine Learning in Robot Motion Planning, IROS 2018
*Equal Contribution

Deep Flight: Learning Reactive Policies for Quadrotor Navigation with Deep Reinforcement Learning
Ratnesh Madaan, Dhruv Saxena, Rogerio Bonatti, Sebastian Scherer
Workshop on Learning Perception and Control for Autonomous Flight, RSS 2017
PDF, Video, Code


(aka stuff that almost made it or is (forever) in the pipeline, but I enjoyed and learned a lot from nonetheless!)

Predicting orientations under manipulation actions
Ratnesh Madaan, Robert Paolini, Erol Sahin, Matthew T. Mason
Work done as a Robotics Institute Summer Scholar, 2015
Paper, Poster, Code